- Fast, Reliable Service: You will recieve your papers in a timely manner, prompt turn around on your paperwork, with a no grief, no hassle service. No penalizing on late puppy papers.
- Affordable: We aren't going to charge exorbinant prices as we know this can be a turn off for breeders who own several dogs, we are about providing a service that understands a breeders needs.
- Quality: We are dedicated to providing accurate, superior quality designed certificates, the kind to represent the dedication and time you as a breeder have put into your dogs and bloodlines.
- Ethical: We respect breeders and are devoted to providing friendly, professional service with a commitment to dealing with any registration and breed specific issues with integrity and honesty.
- Exclusive Service: We offer registration services for established breeds, rare breeds, breeds in the developmental stages and foundation stock with attention to detail on what breeds are used, percentages and keeping the integrity of a dogs lineage intact. This includes maintaining the origin of a kennel prefix on a dog. We won't change a prefix if a dog is resold to another breeder, this is what keeping a solid pedigree is about.
- We honor foreign registrations, dual registrations, and will help you re-establish lost or canceled registrations. We realize the many reasons why a dogs papers may become unavailable due to reasons beyond your control.
- Strong Principals: This goes right alongside qaulity, we require a picture of every dog to be registered. We reserve the right to deny registration if we feel there is lack of information or indiscriminant breeding has taken place.
- Discretion: We offer our service to cater to a breeders needs. We respect and implement confidentiality for breeders who want a private record keeping system.
- Personal Service: We will provide assistance in any way we can to help. We listen to any concerns, ideas and opinions to better our services to you.
- Honesty: If we make a mistake on your papers or in some other area of service, we want you to tell us. We make it our priority to do right by our clients. Your satisfaction is important to us. We want your feedback to better our services to you.